Dostoevsky’s vision lingers in St. Petersburg
ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA — In a time when literature was still filled with heroes, Fyodor Dostoevsky dissembled a tale about a murderer, his crime and the eternal nature of consequence. Raskilnokov is one of fiction’s earliest anti-heroes, characters whose narrative arcs sink rather than ascend.
圣●彼得堡,俄罗斯 -------在这个文学仍然充斥着英雄的时代,费奥多尔●陀思妥耶夫斯基掩藏了一个有关一个杀人凶手,他自己的犯罪和具有永恒之本性的后果的故事。拉斯柯尔尼科夫是小说最早的反英雄人物之一,人物的叙事的弧线朝下沉而不是上升。
In “Crime and Punishment,” the 19th-century novel considered one of the world’s greatest works of literature, Raskilnokov walks the streets of St. Petersburg searching for fortune and turning to theft to get it. During his burglary, he ends up taking a life as well as jewels. Bouts of paranoia plague him to the end. It is a deep study of one of humanity’s most complex emotions: guilt, a mix of narcissism and empathy that can engulf you.
Raskilnokov and the man who created him have such a following that walking tours around St. Petersburg’s tough Haymarket area have become popular. The Haymarket isn’t the affluent shopping area of Nevskiy Prospect, the city’s main street that’s a Russian version of Fifth Avenue. Edgy people are around and the bar scene is divey, but it’s the area where Dostoevsky set his most famous work and is intriguing for that reason. It’s also gentrifying as trendy coffee shops and fashion stores move in.
Several companies offer Haymarket walking tours, including Peters Walk, which is operated by former St. Petersburg Times journalist Peter Kozyrev. The 130th anniversary of Dostoevsky’s death is Feb. 9 and his works remain incredibly popular with fans and students of literary fiction. During “Crime and Punishment”, Raskilnokov moves around the Haymarket’s backways and secluded nooks that link streets and buildings, struggling to free himself of the burden of a crime he can never undo.
“Dostoevsky used these laneways as a way of changing scenes,” says Kozyrev as he zips through a courtyard that’s now the back of an apartment block with a swingset for kids. “You walk through here and you think about the book and how the setting would change after Raskilnokov or another character would enter or leave here.”
当他快速地经过一个庭院,那里现在是一幢公寓大楼的后部,在此设有供孩子们玩耍的秋千。科济列夫说:“陀思妥耶夫斯基借助于这些小巷道作为改变场景的一种方式,“ “你走过这里,你只考虑这部作品以及试想一下当拉斯柯尔尼科夫或其它角色将进入或离开这里后,背景会如何改变。“
Visitors can see the balcony of the apartment where Dostoevsky wrote “Crime and Punishment”, which was first serialized in a magazine. The balcony is adorned with a bright basket of flowers. Perhaps most interesting is the spot where Raskilnokov “lived”. It’s in a third-floor flat in a white building that now has a small tribute to the author out front.
“Although the story is fiction, Dostoevsky set it in places that were real, including this building where Raskilnokov supposedly lived,” says Kozyrev. “That’s what’s great about the story for people from St. Petersburg. You learn so much about how the city was from reading that book.”
科济列夫说: “虽然故事是虚构的,但陀斯妥耶夫斯基把故事的背景设置在真实的地方,其中包括这幢据说拉斯柯尔尼科夫“曾居住过”大楼,” “这就是有关为来自圣彼得堡人的创作的故事的伟大含义。你会从这座城市如何阅读这部作品中了解到很多东西。
编译自: Dostoevsky’s vision lingers in St. Petersburg by ADRIAN BRIJBASSI