


http://www.tudou.com/v/p7NO3I4OtfE/v.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque" width="480" height="400">


远在天堂里的阿妈 你在天堂过得好吗?
看不到阿妈的笑容 听不到阿妈说话
女儿走遍雪山草地 找寻我心中的阿妈 .
The Mother in Heaven

my darling Mum in Heaven so far away
Do you feel so blessed to be living there ?
I do not see your smile ,
Nor even hear your words.
I have traversed over snow mountains and grasslands,
To look for my mum deep inside my heart.

远在天堂里的阿妈 女儿现在已经长大了

my darling Mum in Heaven so far away
Your daughter has been grown up now.

远在天堂里的阿妈 你在天堂想念我吗? 看不到阿妈的声音 盼不到阿妈回家 没有阿妈的呵护 心像雪山一样融化
my darling Mum in Heaven so far away.
Do you miss me over there?
I do not hear from you,
Nor even expect you to come back home.

Without your care,
My heart would melt like the mountain snow.
远在天堂里的阿妈 女儿现在懂事长大了 女儿走遍海角天涯 踏遍群山蓝天白云 阿妈您是否听见 听见女儿的呼唤 阿妈阿妈,阿妈阿妈
您是否看到女儿 思念阿妈的泪花
Mum, Mum
my darling Mum in Heaven so far away
Right now your daughter is growing up to be so considerate.
Your daughter has travelled over the remotest parts of the earth,
And also has traversed over mountains, blue sky and white clouds.
Mum, I want to know whether you hear your daughter calling you or not,
And whether you see your daughter’s tear of missing you or not.

